The project module is core to the coefficient platform. It serves as a workspace where individuals can collaborate. The project can be adorned with modules that enhance the functionallity of a project (file upload, issue tracker, news, etc...).
This module is included in the core deployment of coefficient.
Since coefficient may be used in many varying settings the project module has been enhanced to allow for the configuration of certain properties. The global project settings can be accessed via the "Global Project Administration" link in the "Administration" menu seen when logged in as an administrator. The properties that can be changed are:
This variable is a string that is set to project by default. This means that everywhere in the system projects will be refered to as a project. If you change this setting to group, then the system will refer to projects as a group. This just allows you to configure the term that refers to our workspace (or project) in a way that fits the way you are using coefficient. NOTE: the system assumes this will be a lowercased and singular name. In places the system display's this name and it may look strange if it is uppercased or a plural form of a word.
Originally the project module was designed to allow all guests to have a view on projects. But we realized that some installations may want to have a project that is only viewable by the project champions and members. If the "Allow private projects" checkbox is checked (as it is by default) then you will have the option of creating a project as private. If not checked all projects will be public by default.
There are two methods that a project module can implement that provide summary information, getSummaryForProject (returns a string) and showSummaryForProject (sets content into the page). If "Show Inline Module Summaries" is checked then the result of the showSummaryForPage method will be rendered on the initial project page. Otherwise it will not. By default this value is set to false. The reason it is set to false is that there is a module which shows links to the modules within a project and that module has popup text on the modules link that shows the information provided by the getSummaryForProject method. This information is the same as what is shown in the in-line summary, it is just a more consice way of presenting it.
The module that shows links to a projects module, mentioned above, can render the links either horizontally or vertically. By default this is set to render horizontally and in the coefficient DefaultTheme it is placed in the top of the center content. If you were to create a new theme and wanted this module to show in the west content then you would un-check this value and the module will render its links vertically.
As of coefficient 0.9.5 you can associate a theme with a project. This allows each project to customize the look and feel to suit their individual needs. If this variable is checked (the default) then project administrators can choose from the available system themes for their project. If un-checked then projects will use the default theme for the site and administrators can not change this behavior.
All the allowing variable control what the project administrators can and can not do in the edit project page. If you are not going to use workflows in your installation then you should uncheck the "Allow change workflow state", "Allow change to custom project", "Allow change to workflow" values. Similarly, if project versions are not important to your installation then take away the option. These are simply meant to allow you to remove clutter for those option in a project that you do not want to take advantage of.